Bulk Editing Products

Much like WordPress’ other post types that let you assign categories, tags or post statuses en mass, WooCommerce products also have a bulk editing feature.

To access its power, navigate to Products > All Products, tick two or more products from the list, and select Edit from the Bulk Actions menu at the top or bottom of the list, and click Apply to enter the world of bulk editing.

To bulk edit products in WooCommerce, select two or more, choose Edit from the Bulk Actions menu, and click Apply.

An edit screen with the following fields are revealed, a change to which will affect all the selected products once you hit the Update button, visible to the bottom-right of the edit window.

Bulk Editing Fields #

Below are the default WooCommerce fields one might encounter, although when certain extensions are active, additional fields might also be present.

Bulk Edit – shows the currently selected products that will be affected. Click the to remove a particular product from the active bulk edit session.

Product Categories – a list of your product categories that can be ticked or unticked to assign or remove them from the selected products.

Comments – can be set to either Allow and Do not allow

Status – reflecting the product’s published status, options include Published, Private, Pending Review, or Draft

Product Tags – once you start typing, existing product tags are offered as options to click. Otherwise, add one or more new tags, separated by commas.

Price – options include Change to, Increase existing price by (fixed amount or %), or Decrease existing price by (fixed amount or %)After an option is selected, an additional Enter Price ($) field is added to which you can add the number reflecting your choice.

Sale – option are Change to, Increase existing sale price by (fixed amount or %), Decrease existing sale price by (fixed amount or %), or Set to regular price decreased by (fixed amount or %). Selecting any of the options reveal an additional Enter sale price ($) field.

Tax status – can be Taxable, Shipping only or None.

Tax class – options will show the default Standard rates, plus whatever else you have configured under WooCommerce > Settings > Tax > Tax Options > Additional tax classes, which normally includes Reduced rate rates, and Zero rate rates.

Weight – only has one option; Change to. When selected, an additional field is added with which to adjust the weight.

L/W/H – Should the Change to option be selected, 3 additional fields for Lenght, Width and Height respectively, are added.

Shipping class – options will include No Shipping, plus whichever classes have been configured under WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping > Shipping Classes.

Visibility – in reference to the product visibility in store, the option are Catalog & search, Catalog, Search, and Hidden.

Featured – simply Yes or No.

In stock – options are In stock, Out of Stock or On backorder.

Manage Stock – Yes or No.

Stock Qty – option are Change to, Increase existing stock by, or Decrease existing stock by.

Backorders? – can be set to Do not allow, Allow but notify the customer, or Allow.

Sold individually? – options are either Yes or No.

Bulk Editing Limitations #

Bulk editing works best with Simple products, and cannot edit the complexities of variable, grouped, or other complicated products.

Bulk editing can only be applied to products that are visible and can be ticked for inclusion in a bulk editing session.

Options for filtering products

Increase the number of products visible on any one page by going to Screen Options > Number of items per page. Be aware the excessively high numbers of products on one page might strain your browser, and take a long time to update, so use wisely.

Filter by category, product type, or stock status by selecting the relevant attributes from the dropdowns at above the product lists, and clicking the Filter button.

Filter products by category, product type, or stock status by selecting the options from the dropdown menus.

Sort products by column ascending or descending by clicking on hyperlinked column headings. By default Name, SKU, Price and Data (published) columns can be used for this type of sorting.

Quick Editing #

Quick editing is similar to Bulk editing, but applies to one product only. To access Quick editing, hover over a particular product to reveal its links, and then select Quick editing.

However over a single product to access Quick editing. It's like Bulk editing, but for singles.

It’s exactly the same as Bulk editing, except that because only one product is involved, the product’s current values are shown in the fields instead of – No Change – as is the case when bulk editing.

Quick editing shows actual product values in the fields.

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