Roles and Capabilities

WooCommerce registers two user roles once activated, and grants additional capabilities to the Admin:

  • manage_woocommerce for WooCommerce Settings
  • view_woocommerce_reports

Customer role #

People become Customers when registering via the checkout or sign-up process.


  • Have read access only for most capacities. This is the equivalent status to a normal blog subscriber.
  • Can edit their own account information.
  • View past/present orders.

Shop Manager role #

Shop Manager is a role you can give someone to manage the shop without making them an Admin. They have all the rights a customer has, and are granted the main capabilities:

  • manage_woocommerce: Gives shop managers the option to manage all settings within WooCommerce, and create/edit products.
  • view_woocommerce_reports: Gives them access to all WooCommerce reports.

The Shop Manager role has all the capabilities listed at our WooCommerce GitHub repo.

They also have general WordPress editor capabilities.

Tweaking capabilities #

If you wish to modify roles and capabilities, use a third-party plugin such as:

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